Archive for writing

Randomness and as it goes on, also, so it seems, regrets

Posted in Nothing, Random thoughts with tags , , , , , on January 19, 2015 by KOR

Sometimes, I do feel like writing a lot.

Perhaps start a short story, or even a novel.

However, I always end up realizing that this is a very bad Idea.

Why? You might ask.

The reason is as simple as this; When I start writing, I often use so many elements from my own experience and life, and so little pure fantasy. In many ways, it would reflect me and the people surrounding me more then I like.

Somehow, I guess I would even write some things that is left best unwritten.

This has by no means anything to do about freedom of speech ,which is in the wind these days (I wonder if this sentence will make this page more “popular” and I will find it causes more hits from countries that normally never visit this page) It is just some thoughts and ideas that might hurt people that I love. I’m not a person that takes easy on hurting another one.  I’m pretty sure that I did just that back in 2010, and that, I have regretted for a long time. The truth is that I did not realise what it was until it was to late. Way to late, and it was gone. Gone,Gone. Never to come back. I thought it were other things that were floating around in my head. I did not see. Not even when the shovel hit me, I think at least 4 times that summer. I’m drifting again. Not to worry. No one I know will read this anyway. And if they do, this is not something I mind that they read.

It’s like the song ” My way” – Regrets I got a few – I stop there, because my story is not yet written, so I’m not sure they are to few to mention, as I already mentioned one or four in the previous paragraph.


Yes, it is true, as you see. Somehow all my texts must some way, or another,   reflect who I am. It would be strange if it did not. After all, these are all things that in one way or another  has popped in to my brain, and thus, I have  been able to spew them out through my keyboard, and post the words that are fluttering around my mind on this page.



Posted in Life, Random thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 7, 2015 by KOR

I want to write, but my inspiration is all gone.
There is always things I could write about, but some how, it is not the right time for that.
I’m not sure who I’m trying to protect. Perhaps it is my self, and perhaps it is some others.
I recreantly told my friends that there are two promises I have made that I’m going to keep.
The first one I made, I guess, about 8 or 9 years ago, when I promised a friend that I would not hit on his ex girlfriend. It was not a real problem, I was not interested. They both are now (as far as I know) in a healthy relationship.
The second promise I made in January 2012.
I’m not sure if I regret giving that promise or not.
I’m not even sure the one I gave the promise to this day realise I gave my word.
For all I know, the one I gave my word to, might even today think that it was a stupid thing to do, or might be relieved that I did say what I said, and still stand by my word.
The only one who can make me brake this promise, is the person I gave it to.
All that is needed is to say that this promise is no longer necessary to keep.
To be quite honest, there been times where I have not been sure if my word was over due, but there is today no way I can be certain.

Well, I managed to get something down.
Good Night, Sweet Dreams (suddenly I realized that I need some sleep)

New year New moon, and all in between

Posted in Random thoughts with tags , , , , , , , on January 5, 2014 by KOR

It starts with a bang,

a glitch then  a clang.

With fire and water,

oh what a slaughter.

The skies dead black in the night,

no moon – just a fright.

It burst out in flames,

with ridiculous claims.

Words hits and scars,

no shooting stars.

All shatters in pain,

what more to gain.

Looking to the sky,

not knowing why.

Hope is in sight,

you know that is right.

Just keep longing,

full moon is coming.



Wisper in the wind

Posted in Random thoughts with tags , , , , , on April 28, 2013 by KOR

Never knowing.

Never showing.

Spinning thought,

back and forth.

Maybe so,

how would they know.

Deaf and blind,

soul unwind.





Dwell in the past,

don’t let it last.

Learn from old mistakes,

could be all it takes.

Confusion all around,

was there something found?

What was that, they ask?

What happened behind the mask?

Do they know?

What they show?

Can they see?

Could it be?

Never knowing.

Never showing.


Posted in Random thoughts with tags , , , , , , , on November 28, 2012 by KOR

Walking down a dimly lit road.

The wind gushing through the jacket.

Pulling it tighter together.

Looking at the sky.

The clouds drifts peacefully.

Emerging from the grayish clouds, you see a sudden beam of light.

Forcing its way through.

The moon is up.

Full and bright.

The tingling in the body.

Sitting down.

The could disappears suddenly.

Feeling lighter.

Soaring up.

Higher and higher.

Over the clouds

The dark sky is speckled with tiny lights.

The stars shine bright in all directions.

all directions but one.

The big shining ball.

Dancing just beneath it.

Never have it been so bright.

Never before have you been so alive.

Your walking in the air.

Dancing in the stars.

The moon is your spotlight.

This is your time.

The past, present and the future.

The master of it all.

Nothing can touch you.

Way up here.

Your in control.

Soaring onward.

With the stars and moon as your companion.

Finding what your searching for.

After all this time.

Falling backwards in a feathery bed.

The stars are your blanket.

The moon is your dream.

Every now and then

Posted in Nothing with tags , , on September 19, 2012 by KOR

How come the words are stuck when you feel the urge to write something,

but you don’t quite know what you want to write…?

The head is empty,

You feel like your sailing away gently.

Not on a cloud.

Just slightly levitated from the ground,

carried away in the wind.

Not knowing where you’ll end up.

Just let it all go.

See the world running past you,

even if you’re really not present.

Perhaps someone one day will come and wake you from this state



Just another thing of nothing…

Posted in Random thoughts with tags , , , on September 18, 2012 by KOR

Sometimes one just sit down.

Nothing happens.

Perhaps not total silence around you but still.

Your all alone.

The sound of a computer fan.

The gentle tapping from your fingers on the keyboard.

The trickling sound of running water.

An occasional car passing by.

The silenced ticking from a pocket watch.

A small rumbling in your belly.

Except that- all quiet.

You got some time for your self.

Perhaps you don’t like the time your spending alone –

Or maybe you do.

It all depends of what you need.

Some days you need people around.

Then other days it’s a blessing to bee all alone.

No one to bother you.

Time to sit down and think.

Perhaps read something – or even write.

Writing’s good.

Write down whatever floats around in your brain.

Get it out on paper, or virtual paper, like I’m doing right here.

Perhaps not intending that it will be interesting for others to read (Sorry to all of you who get an notification for this post of nonsense .  It’s  not my intention to waste your time on mindless scribbles like this.

Every now and then I just end up writing a whole lot of words that are floating around in my mind.

If you have decided to continue reading this post, be my guest, but I cant promise that it’s not a total waste of your time. ).

At some point in time and space, perhaps these small words will mean something to someone out there.

Perhaps be of some comfort.

To see that there are other people out there, just poring their minds out in the world wide web.

To see, perhaps they are not so crazy after all.

It’s like this – yes many people would look at them and say: ” Those are not quite normal, are they?”

Normal you say?

What is normal?

What’s normal is reflecting the surroundings at any present time.

It’s a reflection of the people and scene around you.

And of cause if you are able to identify your self whit your surroundings.

For instance – recently there was an art exhibition to celebrate John Cages 100th birthday.

Most of the people attending that exhibition would think that this was pretty normal, and that all the people attending were, in their eyes, quite normal.

If, however you pulled a random person from the street in to these surroundings, chances are that this person would find this weird, strange, or not in anyway normal – perhaps even a freak show. No – most likely a freak show.

Other would say that a crowd of football fans, gathered at the pub or maybe  around the television set, during a weekly match is abnormal.

It’s all about the perspectives.

Why be so judgmental – Perhaps the lady in the corner, who is playing with her ruler and compass, does not feel that you are normal, and thinks that you’re the weirdos.

In another setting, you might be the one sitting lonely in the corner, playing with your Gucci bag.

What am I trying to say?

That everyone is in one or another way pretty normal.

It is also quite normal to feel that you don’t really fit in certain settings.

If you don’t have that problem, that you’re able to adapt to what ever environment your in, you might consider your self lucky.

In some way or another, people generally are pretty adaptive to the environments they enter.

Even if it’s places way out of their comfort zone.

Sometimes words just keep coming from the brain.

Down through the arms.

Signals are given from the brain. Put your fingers on these exact keys- in that exact orders to make exact those words.

That is correct.

This is what is to be written.

There is no need to think to much about what you write.

Just write whatever you like.

No need to be all serious.

By this time, 80% of those who started to read this post has already given up.

There was no need to continue reading this- They were probably right.

There is no red line in this- It all goes back and forth.

Just a chaos of words, sentences and topics.

No straight line.

Not even a constant POV.

Sometimes it’s  “You”, sometimes “I” and sometimes “One”

There is no sense in it all.

– That’s why it was called  nonsense  in the first place.


The fact is that i enjoy writing this down.

I’m not quite sure if I will enjoy reading it again.

Still, I have to check if I’m going to push “publish” or not.

Thats why I have to read it all again.

Even if that is not the most fun part of this.

Then again, what is fun.

Fun is everything and nothing – or sometimes just a little.

Again thins is depending on each and everyones own opinion.

Yes, you may say that this is “Normal” all over again, and maybe you’re right.

That doesn’t matter.

Fun is depending in the mood.

Something might be so funny one moment, that you think you’re going to die in lack of air.

Another day you could just sit down and cry or smash a window in anger for the same thing.

That’s what i would call a serious mood swing.

While talking of mood swings.

Have you ever noticed that people, sometimes changes during the month?

Just to point out one thing.

This is not going to be about PMS and womens periods.

I’m thinking about the moon, and the way it affect certain people.

Just stop and think about it for a minute.

The moon is affecting the tide – why not people and the way they act?

There must be a reason why they say that werewolf’s changes during the full moon.

The same can be said about wolfs and coyotes.

People often say that they howl at the moon, even though others say that they howl all the time.

There has been claimed that there are more births during full moon- and wee all know of the word moon sickness.

Even the Latin name for the moon. Luna.

This lone word tells so much about the obsession of the moon.

It’s a short way from Moon sickness to Lunatic – at least when you talk of the word it self.

I won’t say that any of this is based on science, or not even based on research.

All I say is that this is thoughts that have crossed my mind, mixed with something I’ve heard here and there.

I might have read it in some magazine or a non credible source on the Internet, not unlike my own blog.

Perhaps I will continue one day – or maybe not. Only time will tell…

Yes or no – perhaps maybe – does anyone really know?

Posted in Nothing, Random thoughts with tags , , , , , on September 6, 2012 by KOR

Cotton all over – or perhaps the eyes are just limped.

To be present,  but still another place –

Another reality?

Maybe memories or a dream…

Is this real or just a figment of the imagination?

Everything so blur – yet you know it’s present.

The light overhead flickering-

Sound streaming from the radio.

Eyelids getting heavy.

You know where you are – or at least you think so.

Minutes, hours, days goes past.

Time like a lightning storm.

Fascinating and beautiful, but potential deadly –

if you don’t know how to handle it.

Yes or no – perhaps maybe – does anyone really know?


When I should bee somewhere else

Posted in Nothing, Random thoughts with tags , , , , , , on August 7, 2012 by KOR

Night time.

All is so silence.

The faint noise of rain drops on the roof.

The gentle tapping of my keyboard.

I know I ought to sleep.

I’m supposed to go to work in less than 6 hours.

My mind is so peaceful during the night.

I’m able to calm down – write –

and listen to the nothingness.

Just write what ever my mind wants to tell me.

There is no particular meaning with the words and the general content.

It just flows out of my brain.

I write as I go.

The funny thing is that in less than five minutes I’ve written enough

nonsense to reach the requirement of a typical school English text assignment.

100 words you have to write.

Have to do it as a part of an 45 minute test.

Typically this counts for about 50% of the total test.

We even got homework to write a 100 word text.

By now I’ve reached over 150 words.

And people wonder why many are not able to communicate in English –

or in other cases their main language.

This might be a problem with my home country’s curriculum – I don’t know –

all I know is that back when I was in school I was a really lazy kid, and I never did more than I had to do.


Because it was not expected of me.

I got away with it.

They might have thought – “poor kid, he just can’t do any better”

Well I guess I could.

When I started my education – after my mandatory year  in the army- I actually got good results, as I was willing make a little effort.

Here I sit an write when I really should go to bed.

Perhaps I will write some more on this topic some day later – or maybe not.

By this time I made my text three times longer than a typical school text, and I really haven’t started yet.

Some how, I think I ought to quit now.

I need to go to bed so I can be ready for work tomorrow, or – later today if you like.

Why can’t I just learn that I have to go to bed early during the week, and then I can stay up as long as I want in the weekends.

Planning such things have never been my strong side – I’m mildly spontaneous – at heart – even though it’s kind of suppressed.

And without even trying I’m crossing the line of 400 words.

I have to shut down now.

I actually need my sleep.

I can tell you this by the way – I actually love that my brain works so well in the night.

I think I might be some sort of nocturnal being.

Just typing and typing and almost not minding the clock  –

hmm.. It’s 1.40 AM my alarm clock is set to 6 and 630 am .

I know this can’t be very interesting to read all this – but as you all know, not everything on the www is worth reading.

This might be of the less interesting stuff out here.

My word count is sneaking up to 500 – i really have to log off and try to get some sleep.

Good night world – and I guess I’ll see you later…

Bring me back

Posted in Nothing, Random thoughts with tags , , , on July 1, 2012 by KOR

So many things stuck in my head.

So much I want to write.

Somehow it gets stuck between my brain and my fingers.

I’m not able to let it out.

I want to let it go-

Want to fly away out in to the mist- to the unknown.

Still I’m stuck here.

My mind is stuck.

It won’t let me go.

I want to leave it all behind and yet again i won’t.

The forces are pulling me back an forth and thus I’m stuck where I am.

I want to lie down and watch the stars as the warm summer nights passes by.

See the stars and the world as it pass.

Nothing to worry about – just being there – nothing more.

I want to go back to the place I once was – once when I was a little kid and I could build what ever i desired with my mind.

There were no limits to what my mind could do.

Worlds up and beyond.

Deep down under ground.

If only things could be as easy as they once was.

Go back to the time when I did not need to think.

When my my thoughts did not work against me.

When life was restricted – but still – somehow wonderful.